Find out why Verve checks out as the best energy drink for your body.
Product Comparison
Read the clinical studies that evaluated the efficacy of Vemma's ingredients.
Clinical Studies
Get all the info on the nutritional benefits of Verve in this PDF.
Product Fact Sheet
Verve® Energy Drink for Today's Lifestyle
Most of us are running on fumes instead of good nutrition because of today’s fast-paced, busy lifestyle. Energy drinks are an increasingly popular trend to help reverse the energy-void. Instead of filling up on energy drinks that may contain excessive caffeine and high sugar content that leaves you feeling jittery, fuel your body with what it needs most...
With Verve Energy Drink, you get the best of both worlds: the powerful energy you desire and the premium nutrition you need.* It’s the all-in-one, natural choice for a fast-acting energy blend, an ultra-premium vitamin and mineral supplement along with a powerful superjuice of mangosteen and aloe phytonutrients!
Insanely Healthy Energy!*
When you feel the need for a boost of energy to jump start your day or beat the afternoon lull, reach for the energy drink you can feel good about!* Verve – a full dose of the Vemma formula and 80 milligrams of natural caffeine – shatters the typical energy drink mold to deliver a product that is both uniquely nutritious and naturally stimulating. There is no better way to ensure you get the vitamins and minerals your body needs each day. Verve provides the highest antioxidant value of any energy drink, revitalizes energy levels and supports a healthy lifestyle... without the empty calories or jitters.*
What’s Inside Verve?
- 80 mg of natural caffeine
- Refreshing, lightly carbonated tropical flavor
- Low natural sugar content
- Unique blend of energy-enhancing ingredients
- 12 full-spectrum vitamins
- Over 65 major, trace and ultra-trace plant-sourced minerals
- Powerful superjuice with mangosteen and aloe phytonutrients
- No gluten
- No artificial flavors or colors
BK Boreyko
Vemma Founder and CEO
神韻能量飲料,你兩全其美:強大的能量,你的願望和優質的營養,你需要.*它的所有功能於一身,自然選擇為快速作用的能源混合,超一流的維生素和伴隨著強大的山竹,蘆薈植物營養素 superjuice礦物質補充劑!
當你覺得需要提高的能源跳開始新的一天,或擊敗下午平靜,達到能量飲料,你可以感受到良好的關於 *神韻 - Vemma配方和天然咖啡因80毫克的劑量 - 打破典型的能量飲料模具,以提供產品,既獨特,營養豐富,自然刺激。有沒有更好的辦法,以確保你得到你的身體需要每天的維生素和礦物質。神韻提供任何能量飲料中最高的抗氧化值,賦活能量水平和支持健康的生活方式... ... 沒有空熱量或抖動 .*
- 天然咖啡因80毫克
- 清爽,輕輕碳酸熱帶風味
- 天然糖分含量低
- 獨特的混合能量加強成分
- 12個全譜維生素
- 65歲以上的重大,跟踪和超痕量礦物質植物源
- 強大的superjuice山竹和蘆薈植物營養素
- 不含谷膠
- 無人工香料或顏色
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