Vemma Wins Five Awards in 2011 MARCOM Competition
MARCOM Recognizes the Creative Efforts of Marketing and Communications Professionals
Vemma Nutrition Company is pleased to announce the receipt of five awards in the prestigious MARCOM Awards competition. Vemma was honored with three Platinum awards, the competition's highest designation, and two Gold awards recognizing the company's outstanding creative achievements in marketing and communications. The awards were conferred for work ranging from print and packaging to video and social media.
Over 6,000 entries were submitted in this year's international competition from corporate marketing and communication departments, advertising agencies, PR firms, design shops, production companies and freelancers.
Less than 20% of entries received a Platinum award; Vemma was awarded the following Platinum awards:
- Print Marketing in the Brochure, Handbook category for the Vemma Brand Safety Manual
- Electronic/Social/Interactive Media in the Video/Film Meeting Opening/Closing category for the Power of You Video
- Strategic Communications, Marketing/Promotion Campaign in the Branding Refresh category for the Verve Branding Refresh
In addition, Vemma was honored with two Gold awards (the competition's second highest honor) for the following work:
- Strategic Communications, Social Media Campaign for the Verve Out Social Media Campaign
- Print Marketing, Creativity in the Invitation category for the Go for the Gold Weekend Summit Invitation
Vemma Founder and CEO BK Boreyko commented, "I am so proud of the quality and creativity of the work done by the Vemma branding team and honored that it is recognized side-by-side with Fortune 500 companies and major design firms. I congratulate the team on a job well done."
The MARCOM Awards are administered and judged by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals. The judges are industry professionals who look for companies and individuals whose talent exceeds a high standard of excellence and whose work serves as a benchmark for the industry.
Winners ranged in size from individual communicators to media conglomerates and Fortune 500 companies and were selected from over 200 categories in seven forms of media and communication efforts. A complete list of Platinum Winners can be found at
About Vemma
Founded in 2004 by BK Boreyko, Vemma Nutrition Company is a premier industry leader specializing in premium liquid nutrition. Every day, thousands of people join the company’s mission to make a positive difference in the lives of others through the sharing of the clinically studied Vemma formula. Vemma wellness products, coupled with the company’s rewarding business opportunity, help people live a better quality of life, both physically and financially. Vemma is headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona, and distributes its products through a global network of independent Brand Partners operating in over 50 countries. For more information, please visit
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在2011年創造性的卓越競爭 MARCOM獎
Vemma garners在2011年卓越的創意競爭的五個著名的MARCOM獎
Vemma營養公司高興地宣布,在久負盛名的MARCOM大賽收到了五個獎項。 Vemma被評為白金三個獎項,競爭的最高稱號,並認識到在市場營銷和通信公司的傑出創作成就兩個金獎。該獎項授予範圍從印刷和包裝視頻和社會媒體的工作。
從企業的營銷和通信部門,廣告公司,公關公司,設計商店,生產企業和自由職業者在今年的國際競爭提交超過 6000項。
不到20%的參賽作品獲得了白金獎; Vemma被授予以下白金獎勵:
打印市場,在這本小冊子,手冊類 Vemma品牌安全手冊
打開 /關閉你的視頻電源類電子 /社會 /互動媒體在視頻 /電影會議
戰略溝通,營銷 /推廣神韻品牌刷新刷新類別的品牌運動
Vemma創始人兼首席執行官 BK Boreyko評論說,“我Vemma品牌團隊所做的工作的質量和創造力的自豪和榮幸,這是公認的世界500強企業和主要設計公司端側。,我祝賀團隊所做的出色工作。“
獲獎者從個體傳播者的傳媒集團和“財富”500強企業在大小不等,從超過 200個類別 7的媒體和宣傳的努力形式。白金獲獎者的一個完整列表可以發現。
關於 Vemma
成立於 2004年由BK Boreyko,Vemma營養公司是一家一流的專門行業的領導者,保費液體營養。每天,成千上萬的人加入該公司的使命,使通過共享的臨床研究Vemma公式在他人的生活產生積極的區別。 Vemma健康的產品,再加上該公司的有價值的商業機會,幫助人們過上更好的生活質量,身體上和經濟上都。 Vemma是總部設在亞利桑那州斯科茨代爾,通過全球網絡的自主品牌在50多個國家的業務夥伴和分銷其產品。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。
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